Barton Malow
Joe Benvenuto, Chief Operating Officer for LIFTbuild
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Joe Benvenuto

Chief Operating Officer, LIFTbuild

Chief Operating Officer Joe Benvenuto provides oversight and management of LIFTbuild’s operations and alliance partner relationships. Over the past four years, he spearheaded the transformation of the LIFTbuild technology to be more efficient in the field and more widely accepted by clients and local authorities. He is currently leading the team on LIFTbuild’s proof-of-concept project, Exchange, while also spearheading strategic planning efforts for the entity. He continues to lead the commercialization of LIFTbuild. Through the deployment of LIFTbuild’s innovative construction methodologies, leader Benvenuto aims to transform the typical construction environment into what LIFTbuild refers to as Vertical Manufacturing.

With more than 25 years of experience in the construction industry, Joe has spent the majority of his career with Barton Malow, where he began in the self-perform group. Since then, he has held a number of roles in project management and field supervision, eventually leading to the executive level, where he oversaw multiple projects, teams, and initiatives. Joe has experience in industrial, energy, and commercial markets and has worked on projects across the country.

Joe’s work style is best described as a no-ego approach to daily tasks — he is always willing to roll up his sleeves for the betterment of the team or the project, regardless of his leadership role. Having experienced valuable mentorship throughout his career, Joe is passionate about finding opportunities to mentor others within the organization. He also has a passion for maximizing efficiency in what we do, whether in the field or the office.